Quick Start

Quickly develop Dubbo services using Rust.

View the complete example here.

1 Prerequisites

  • Install the Rust development environment
  • Install the protoc tool

2 Define Dubbo Services Using IDL

The Greeter service is defined as follows, including a Dubbo service with a Unary (request-response) model.

// ./proto/greeter.proto
syntax = "proto3";

option java_multiple_files = true;

package org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri;

// The request message containing the user's name.
message GreeterRequest {
  string name = 1;

// The response message containing the greetings
message GreeterReply {
  string message = 1;

service Greeter{
  // unary
  rpc greet(GreeterRequest) returns (GreeterReply);
# ./Cargo.toml
name = "example-greeter"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

name = "greeter-server"
path = "src/greeter/server.rs"

name = "greeter-client"
path = "src/greeter/client.rs"

http = "0.2"
http-body = "0.4.4"
futures-util = {version = "0.3", default-features = false}
tokio = { version = "1.0", features = [ "rt-multi-thread", "time", "fs", "macros", "net", "signal"] }
prost-derive = {version = "0.10", optional = true}
prost = "0.10.4"
async-trait = "0.1.56"
tokio-stream = "0.1"

dubbo = "0.1.0"
dubbo-config = "0.1.0"

dubbo-build = "0.1.0"

4 Configure dubbo-build to Compile IDL

Create a build.rs file in the project root directory (not /src) and add the following content:

// ./build.rs
fn main() {
        .compile(&["proto/greeter.proto"], &["proto/"])

After this configuration, compiling the project will generate related Dubbo Stub code, usually located at ./target/debug/build/example-greeter-<id>/out/org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.rs.

5 Write Dubbo Business Code

5.1 Write Dubbo Server

// ./src/greeter/server.rs
use ...

async fn main() {
    register_server(GreeterServerImpl {
        name: "greeter".to_string(),

    // Dubbo::new().start().await;
            let r = RootConfig::new();
            match r.load() {
                Ok(config) => config,
                Err(_err) => panic!("err: {:?}", _err), // response was droped

#[derive(Default, Clone)]
struct GreeterServerImpl {
    name: String,

// #[async_trait]
impl Greeter for GreeterServerImpl {
    async fn greet(
        request: Request<GreeterRequest>,
    ) -> Result<Response<GreeterReply>, dubbo::status::Status> {
        println!("GreeterServer::greet {:?}", request.metadata);

        Ok(Response::new(GreeterReply {
            message: "hello, dubbo-rust".to_string(),

5.2 Configure dubbo.yaml

The dubbo.yaml file specifies the server-side configuration, including the exposed service list, protocol configuration, listening configuration, etc.

# ./dubbo.yaml
name: dubbo
    version: 1.0.0
    group: test
    protocol: triple
    registry: ''
    serializer: json
        port: '8888'
        name: triple
    port: '8888'
    name: triple

5.3 Write Dubbo Client

// ./src/greeter/client.rs
use ...

async fn main() {
    let mut cli = GreeterClient::new().with_uri("".to_string());

    println!("# unary call");
    let resp = cli
        .greet(Request::new(GreeterRequest {
            name: "message from client".to_string(),
    let resp = match resp {
        Ok(resp) => resp,
        Err(err) => return println!("{:?}", err),
    let (_parts, body) = resp.into_parts();
    println!("Response: {:?}", body);

6 Run and Summarize

  1. Compile

Run cargo build to compile the server and client.

  1. Run the server

Run ./target/debug/greeter-server to start the server, which will listen on port 8888 and provide RPC services using the triple protocol as configured in dubbo.yaml:

$ ./target/debug/greeter-server
2022-09-28T23:33:28.104577Z  INFO dubbo::framework: url: Some(Url { uri: "triple://", protocol: "triple", location: "", ip: "", port: "8888", service_key: ["org.apache.dubbo.sample.tri.Greeter"], params: {} })
  1. Run the client to verify successful invocation

Run ./target/debug/greeter-client to execute the client and call various methods under triple://

$ ./target/debug/greeter-client
Response: GreeterReply { message: "hello, dubbo-rust" }

7 More Examples

Streaming Communication Mode

Implement Streaming communication model using Dubbo Rust.

Interoperability with Dubbo Java

Implement interoperability with other Dubbo multi-language services.