Querying Metrics Monitoring Indicators from Prometheus


This article demonstrates how to deploy Prometheus in a Kubernetes environment and achieve monitoring data statistics and querying for the Dubbo cluster. You need to complete or possess the following:

Ensure Prometheus is Running Correctly

Verify that Prometheus has been correctly deployed

kubectl -n dubbo-system get svc prometheus-server
NAME                TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
prometheus-server   ClusterIP   <none>        9090/TCP   4m

Deploy Sample

kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/apache/dubbo-samples/master/4-governance/dubbo-samples-metrics-spring-boot/Deployment.yml

Wait for the sample application to run normally, and confirm the application status using the following command:

kubectl -n dubbo-demo get deployments

Query Prometheus

Obtain the Prometheus access address kubectl port-forward service/prometheus-server 9090:9090, open a browser, and visit localhost:9090/graph to access the Prometheus console.

Next, execute the Prometheus query command. You can confirm the Metrics supported by Dubbo here.

1. In the “Expression” overview, enter dubbo_consumer_qps_total, and the following results will return
