4-10 - Triple serialization result failure

4-10 - Triple serialization result failure

Possible Causes

Generally an internal error. Seen in three types of log formats:

  1. An exception occurs during serialization and sending data, log format: Serialize triple request failed, service=%s method=%s
  2. Triggered when receiving the response’s reset code, log format: Triple Client received remote reset errorCode=xxx
  3. Triggered when an exception occurs while processing the response, log format: Meet Exception on ClientResponseHandler, status code is:xxx

Troubleshooting and Resolution Steps

For the first type of error, it occurs during the call to {service}#{method}, specifically correlating to sendMessage, and this log appears simultaneously with java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: org.apache.dubbo.rpc.StatusRpcException: INTERNAL : Serialize request failed. Check if the custom classes in the parameters of the {method} are implementing the serialization interface, which may lead to serialization failure.

For the second type of error, it indicates an error occurred on the Provider side. Check the Provider side service, using the same method as for the first type of error.

For the third type of error, it is only used in unit tests and should not occur on the user side.

Additionally, you can analyze stack information using some third-party tools or jstack [PID] > jstack.log for localization.

At the same time, please submit an issue in the community to help us better improve Triple. You can quickly link to the Github page by clicking the Submit Project Issue button in the upper right corner.