RPC Framework
Common features and configuration methods for RPC framework communication, including streaming communication, timeout settings, filter interceptors, additional parameters, health checks, etc.
Common features and configuration methods for RPC framework communication, including streaming communication, timeout settings, filter interceptors, additional parameters, health checks, etc.
Use Nacos, Zookeeper, etc. as the registry to achieve automatic discovery of address changes.
Load balancing strategies and configuration methods supported by the framework.
Develop microservice applications using the dubbogo.yml configuration file.
Visualize the internal state of applications, including log, metrics monitoring, and end-to-end tracing.
Implementing traffic control through issuing routing rules, including traffic forwarding by ratio, parameter routing, gray release, dynamic adjustment of timeout, and more.
Solve the problem of accessing backend RPC microservices for frontend HTTP traffic through gateway products such as Higress and APISIX.
Dubbo distributed transaction solution.
Implementing interoperability between Dubbo Go and Dubbo Java applications, including service discovery, protocol communication, etc.
Learn how to deploy dubbo-go applications in scenarios such as Kubernetes, Service Mesh (Kubernetes Service), and virtual machines (Zookeeper, Nacos).
Implement interoperability between Dubbo Go and the official Google version of the gRPC framework.