
JVM (-D) Parameters

JVM ParameterExample ValueDescription



Dubbo supports specifying all configuration items in the JVM parameter format. Here, config refers to items such as application, registry, protocol, and property refers to specific properties within each configuration item.
dubbo.resolve.file-Ddubbo.resolve.file=/home/ken/…/dubbo-resolve.propertiesSpecifies the direct connection URL for each interface in the file, e.g., org.apache.dubbo.demo.DemoService=tri://
org.graalvm.nativeimage.imagecode the properties configuration file path, which can be an absolute path or a classpath-relative path. Default value is
dubbo.jstack-dump.max-line-Ddubbo.jstack-dump.max-line=20Dubbo supports automatic printing of the call stack. This parameter controls the number of stack lines, e.g., only the first 20 lines will be printed.
dubbo.json-framework.prefer-Ddubbo.json-framework.prefer=gsonSets the specific implementation of JSON serialization in the framework. Currently available implementations are fastjson2, fastjson, gson, jackson. The framework automatically finds the available implementation in decreasing order of preference.,eth2In multi-network card environments, used when you need to manually control the network card address registered with the registry. It is used to exclude certain network cards. multi-network card environments, used to specify a particular network card for registration with the registry.
sun.rmi.transport.tcp.responseTimeout-Dsun.rmi.transport.tcp.responseTimeout=5000Sets the timeout for RMI protocol, in milliseconds.
envSpecific parameter for Apollo configuration center.
app.idSpecific parameter for Apollo configuration center.
apollo.clusterSpecific parameter for Apollo configuration center.
apollo.metaSpecific parameter for Apollo configuration center.
dubbo.mapping.cache.filePath-Ddubbo.mapping.cache.filePath=~/.dubbo/mapping/Sets the cache file for interface-application mapping, usually for service discovery. The file’s absolute path address.
dubbo.mapping.cache.fileName-Ddubbo.mapping.cache.fileName=dubbo-mappingSets the cache file for interface-application mapping, usually for service discovery. The file name; the final file will be stored as dubbo-mapping.dubbo.cache.
dubbo.mapping.cache.entrySize-Ddubbo.mapping.cache.maxFileSize=300Sets the maximum number of entries in the interface-application mapping cache file, usually for service discovery.
dubbo.mapping.cache.maxFileSize-Ddubbo.mapping.cache.maxFileSize=104857600Sets the maximum space for the interface-application mapping cache file, usually for service discovery, in bytes.
dubbo.meta.cache.filePath-Ddubbo.meta.cache.filePath=~/.dubbo/meta/Sets the cache file for metadata cache, usually for service discovery. The file’s absolute path address.
dubbo.meta.cache.fileName-Ddubbo.meta.cache.fileName=dubbo-metaSets the cache file for metadata cache, usually for service discovery. The file name; the final file will be stored as dubbo-meta.dubbo.cache.
dubbo.meta.cache.entrySize-Ddubbo.meta.cache.maxFileSize=300Sets the maximum number of entries in the metadata cache file, usually for service discovery.
dubbo.meta.cache.maxFileSize-Ddubbo.meta.cache.maxFileSize=104857600Sets the maximum space for the metadata cache file, usually for service discovery, in bytes.
dubbo.application.use-secure-random-request-id-Ddubbo.application.use-secure-random-request-id=trueSets the rule for generating the request ID for each RPC call. If not set, an incremental value will be used.
dubbo.protocol.default-close-timeout-Ddubbo.protocol.default-close-timeout=10000Sets the TCP server shutdown wait time, in milliseconds.
dubbo.protocol.default-heartbeat-Ddubbo.protocol.default-heartbeat=10000Sets the interval for initiating heartbeat, in milliseconds.
dubbo.hessian.allowNonSerializableAllows serialization of classes that do not implement the Serializable interface, effective for Hessian serialization.
dubbo.application.hessian2.whitelist-Ddubbo.application.hessian2.whitelist=trueEnables a whitelist mechanism for Hessian serialization. If set to true, it will continue to configure the following allow rules; otherwise, it will configure the deny rules.
dubbo.application.hessian2.allow-Ddubbo.application.hessian2.allow=org.apache.dubbo.; true, configures allow rules (refer to the documentation for more details).
dubbo.application.hessian2.deny-Ddubbo.application.hessian2.deny=org.apache.dubbo.;io.commons.If false, configures deny rules (refer to the documentation for more details).
dubbo.application.manual-register-Ddubbo.application.manual-register=trueWhen set, all services will not be automatically registered to the registry until the user calls online or other commands to manually complete registration.
dubbo.migration-file.enable-Ddubbo.migration-file.enable=trueWhether to enable rule file reading during migration to application-level address discovery.
dubbo.migration.file-Ddubbo.migration.file=dubbo-migration.yamlSpecifies the path to the rule file for migrating to application-level address discovery, which can be an absolute or classpath-relative path. Default value is dubbo-migration.yaml.
dubbo.application.logger-Ddubbo.application.logger=slf4jSets the logging component used by the Dubbo framework. After setting, Dubbo’s own logs will be printed here (does not affect application logs). Currently supported components are slf4j, log4j, log4j2, etc. Ensure that the corresponding component dependency is added to the application. the properties configuration file path, which can be an absolute or classpath-relative path. Default value is

Environment Variables

Environment VariableExample ValueDescription



Dubbo supports specifying all configuration items as environment variables. CONFIG-NAME refers to items such as application, registry, protocol, and PROPERTY refers to specific properties within each item.
DUBBO_DEFAULT_SERIALIZATIONDUBBO_DEFAULT_SERIALIZATION=“hessian2”Sets the default serialization method for the framework, e.g., hessian2, fastjson2, msgpack.
DUBBO_ENV_KEYSDUBBO_LABELS=“tag1=value1; tag2=value2”tag1=value1 will be reported as an additional parameter to the URL, serving as a system environment variable for instance tagging, etc.
DUBBO_LABELSDUBBO_ENV_KEYS=“DUBBO_TAG1, DUBBO_TAG2”Dubbo will read DUBBO_TAG1, DUBBO_TAG2 environment variables, and report values such as DUBBO_TAG1=value as additional parameters to the URL.
POD_NAMESPACESpecifies the namespace for Kubernetes Service scenarios.
CLUSTER_DOMAINSpecifies the cluster name for Kubernetes Service scenarios, default is default.
DUBBO_IP_TO_REGISTRYDUBBO_IP_TO_REGISTRY= the IP address to register in the registry URL.
DUBBO_PORT_TO_REGISTRYDUBBO_PORT_TO_REGISTRY=20880Specifies the port number to register in the registry URL.

Specifies the IP address to register in the registry URL, and can specify different IPs for different protocols.

Specifies the port number to register in the registry URL, and can specify different ports for different protocols.
DUBBO_IP_TO_BINDDUBBO_IP_TO_BIND= the IP address for TCP binding.
DUBBO_PORT_TO_BINDDUBBO_PORT_TO_BIND=20880Specifies the port for TCP binding.

Specifies the IP address for TCP binding, and can specify different IPs for different protocols.

Specifies the port for TCP binding, and can specify different ports for different protocols. the properties configuration file path, which can be an absolute or classpath-relative path. Default value is
dubbo.migration.filedubbo.migration.file=dubbo-migration.yamlSpecifies the migration rule file path for application-level address discovery, which can be an absolute or classpath-relative path. Default value is dubbo-migration.yaml.

Configuration Manual

Regardless of whether you are using Spring Boot, XML, annotations, or APIs to write Dubbo applications, you can refer to the table below to understand the specific meaning of each configuration item.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.nested.BaggageConfig$Correlation

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
enabledjava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable correlation of the baggage context with logging contexts.true
fieldsjava.util.List<java.lang.String>List of fields that should be correlated with the logging context. That means that these fields would end up as key-value pairs in e.g. MDC.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.nested.ExporterConfig$OtlpConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
compression-methodjava.lang.StringThe method used to compress payloads. If unset, compression is disabled. Currently supported compression methods include "gzip" and "none".none
endpointjava.lang.StringURL to the Otlp API.
timeoutjava.time.DurationThe maximum time to wait for the collector to process an exported batch of spans. (seconds)10


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.nested.ExporterConfig$ZipkinConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
connect-timeoutjava.time.DurationConnection timeout for requests to Zipkin. (seconds)1
endpointjava.lang.StringURL to the Zipkin API.
read-timeoutjava.time.DurationRead timeout for requests to Zipkin. (seconds)10


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.nested.PrometheusConfig$Exporter

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
enable-http-service-discoveryjava.lang.BooleanEnable http service discovery for prometheus
enabledjava.lang.BooleanEnable prometheus exporter
http-service-discovery-urljava.lang.StringHttp service discovery url


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.nested.PrometheusConfig$Pushgateway

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
base-urljava.lang.StringBase URL for the Pushgateway
enabledjava.lang.BooleanEnable publishing via a Prometheus Pushgateway
jobjava.lang.StringJob identifier for this application instance
passwordjava.lang.StringLogin password of the Prometheus Pushgateway
push-intervaljava.lang.IntegerFrequency with which to push metrics
usernamejava.lang.StringLogin user of the Prometheus Pushgateway

Unknown group

Class: Unknown

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
dubbo.config-center.include-spring-envjava.lang.BooleanWhether to include Spring Environment.
dubbo.config.modeorg.apache.dubbo.config.context.ConfigModeConfig processing mode. See <code>org.apache.dubbo.config.context.ConfigMode</code>.
dubbo.config.multiplejava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable multiple configurations in Dubbo, allowing multiple configurations to be loaded and used, default value is <code>true</code>.
dubbo.config.overridejava.lang.BooleanWhether to allow configuration override in Dubbo, default value is <code>true</code>.
dubbo.enabledjava.util.Set<java.lang.String>Whether enable autoconfiguration of dubbo, default value is <code>true</code>.
dubbo.env.keysjava.lang.StringThe keys for specify environment-specific keys, allowing for differentiation and utilization of various runtime environments (e.g., development, testing, production), the multiple-value is delimited by comma.
dubbo.labelsjava.lang.StringThe labels for these service providers, enabling categorization and grouping, thereby enhancing their management and monitoring, the multiple-value is delimited by ';'.
dubbo.scan.base-packagesjava.util.Set<java.lang.String>The basePackages to scan, the multiple-value is delimited by comma @see EnableDubbo#scanBasePackages().


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.nested.BaggageConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
enabledjava.lang.BooleanWhether baggage is enabled or not.true
remote-fieldsjava.util.List<java.lang.String>List of fields that are referenced the same in-process as it is on the wire. For example, the field "x-vcap-request-id" would be set as-is including the prefix.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.nested.PropagationConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
typejava.lang.StringTracing context propagation type.W3C


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.nested.SamplingConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
probabilityjava.lang.FloatProbability in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 that a trace will be sampled.0.1


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.nested.ExporterConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.TripleConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
enable-pushjava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable push, default is false.
header-table-sizejava.lang.StringThe header table size.
initial-window-sizejava.lang.StringInitial window size.
max-concurrent-streamsjava.lang.StringMaximum concurrent streams.
max-frame-sizejava.lang.StringMaximum frame size.
max-header-list-sizejava.lang.StringMaximum header list size.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.spring.boot.autoconfigure.DubboConfigurationProperties

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
config-centersjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,org.apache.dubbo.config.ConfigCenterConfig>Multiple configurations for ConfigCenterBean.
consumersjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,org.apache.dubbo.config.ConsumerConfig>Multiple configurations for Consumer.
metadata-reportsjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,org.apache.dubbo.config.MetadataReportConfig>Multiple configurations for MetadataReportConfig.
metricsesjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,org.apache.dubbo.config.MetricsConfig>Multiple configurations for MetricsConfig.
modulesjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,org.apache.dubbo.config.ModuleConfig>Multiple configurations for Module.
monitorsjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,org.apache.dubbo.config.MonitorConfig>Multiple configurations for Monitor.
protocolsjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,org.apache.dubbo.config.ProtocolConfig>Multiple configurations for Protocol.
providersjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,org.apache.dubbo.config.ProviderConfig>Multiple configurations for Provider.
registriesjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,org.apache.dubbo.config.RegistryConfig>Multiple configurations for Registry.
tracingsjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,org.apache.dubbo.config.TracingConfig>Multiple configurations for TracingConfig.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.ApplicationConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
architecturejava.lang.StringArchitecture layer.
auto-trust-serialize-classjava.lang.BooleanWhether to automatically trust serialized classes.
check-serializablejava.lang.BooleanWhether to check serializable.
compilerjava.lang.StringJava compiler.
dump-directoryjava.lang.StringDirectory for saving thread dump.
dump-enablejava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable saving thread dump or not.
enable-empty-protectionjava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable protection against empty objects.
enable-file-cachejava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable file caching.
environmentjava.lang.StringEnvironment, e.g., dev, test, or production.
executor-management-modejava.lang.StringThread pool management mode: 'default' or 'isolation'.
idjava.lang.StringIdentifier for this configuration.
liveness-probejava.lang.StringUsed to set extensions of the probe in QoS.
loggerjava.lang.StringThe type of log access.
mapping-retry-intervaljava.lang.IntegerThe retry interval of service name mapping.
metadata-service-portjava.lang.IntegerMetadata Service, used in Service Discovery.
metadata-service-protocoljava.lang.StringThe protocol used for peer-to-peer metadata transmission.
metadata-typejava.lang.StringMetadata type, local or remote. If 'remote' is chosen, you need to specify a metadata center further.
monitororg.apache.dubbo.config.MonitorConfigMonitor center.
namejava.lang.StringThe Application name.
need-refreshjava.lang.BooleanSpecifies if this configuration should be refreshed (true for refreshing).true
organizationjava.lang.StringThe application's organization (BU).
ownerjava.lang.StringThe application owner.
parametersjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>Customized parameters.
protocoljava.lang.StringThe preferred protocol (name) of this application, convenient for places where it's hard to determine the preferred protocol.
qos-accept-foreign-ipjava.lang.BooleanShould we accept foreign IP or not?
qos-accept-foreign-ip-whitelistjava.lang.StringWhen we disable accepting foreign IP, support specifying foreign IPs in the whitelist.
qos-anonymous-access-permission-leveljava.lang.StringThe anonymous (any foreign IP) access permission level, default is NONE, which means no access to any command.
qos-anonymous-allow-commandsjava.lang.StringThe anonymous (any foreign IP) allowed commands, default is empty, which means no access to any command.
qos-checkjava.lang.BooleanWhether QoS should start successfully or not, will check qosEnable first.
qos-enablejava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable Quality of Service (QoS) or not.
qos-hostjava.lang.StringThe QoS host to listen.
qos-portjava.lang.IntegerThe QoS port to listen.
readiness-probejava.lang.StringThe probe for checking the readiness of the application.
register-consumerjava.lang.BooleanUsed to control whether to register the instance with the registry or not. Set to 'false' only when the instance is a pure consumer.
register-modejava.lang.StringRegister mode.
registriesjava.util.List<org.apache.dubbo.config.RegistryConfig>Registry centers.
registry-idsjava.lang.StringThe comma-separated list of registry IDs to which the service will be registered.
scope-modelorg.apache.dubbo.rpc.model.ScopeModelThe scope model of this config instance. <p> <b>NOTE:</b> the model maybe changed during config processing, the extension spi instance needs to be reinitialized after changing the model!
serialize-check-statusjava.lang.StringThe status of class serialization checking.
shutwaitjava.lang.StringConfig the shutdown wait.
startup-probejava.lang.StringThe probe for checking the startup of the application.
trust-serialize-class-leveljava.lang.IntegerThe trust level for serialized classes.
versionjava.lang.StringThe application version.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.ConfigCenterConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
addressjava.lang.StringThe address (URL or hostname) of the config center server.
app-config-filejava.lang.StringThe properties file under 'configFile' is global shared, while '.properties' under this one is limited only to this application.
app-external-configurationjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>Application-specific external configuration for the config center.
checkjava.lang.BooleanBehavior when the initial connection attempt to the config center fails. 'true' means interrupt the whole process once a failure occurs. Default value is true.
clusterjava.lang.StringThe config center cluster, its actual meaning may vary depending on the specific config center product.
config-filejava.lang.StringKey mapping for properties files. Most of the time, you do not need to change this parameter. Default value is CommonConstants.DEFAULT_DUBBO_PROPERTIES.
external-configurationjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>External configuration for the config center.
groupjava.lang.StringThe group of the config center, often used to identify an isolated space for a batch of config items. Its actual meaning depends on the specific config center you use. Default value is CommonConstants.DUBBO.
highest-priorityjava.lang.BooleanIf the config center should have the highest priority and override all other configurations. Deprecated and no longer used. Default value is true.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
idjava.lang.StringIdentifier for this configuration.
namespacejava.lang.StringThe namespace of the config center, generally used for multi-tenancy. Its actual meaning depends on the specific config center you use. Default value is CommonConstants.DUBBO.
need-refreshjava.lang.BooleanSpecifies if this configuration should be refreshed (true for refreshing).true
parametersjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>Additional parameters specific to your config center product can be added here. For example, with XML: <dubbo:config-center> <dubbo:parameter key="{your key}" value="{your value}" /> </dubbo:config-center>
passwordjava.lang.StringPassword for authentication with the config center.
portjava.lang.IntegerThe port number for the config center server.
protocoljava.lang.StringThe protocol used for accessing the config center.
scope-modelorg.apache.dubbo.rpc.model.ScopeModelThe scope model of this config instance. <p> <b>NOTE:</b> the model maybe changed during config processing, the extension spi instance needs to be reinitialized after changing the model!
timeoutjava.lang.LongThe timeout for accessing the config center. Default value is 30000L.
usernamejava.lang.StringUsername for authentication with the config center.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.ConsumerConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
activesjava.lang.IntegerMaximum concurrent invocations allowed.
applicationorg.apache.dubbo.config.ApplicationConfigApplication configuration for the service.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
asyncjava.lang.BooleanEnable asynchronous invocation. Note that it is unreliable asynchronous, ignoring return values and not blocking threads.
authjava.lang.BooleanEnable service authentication.
cachejava.lang.StringCache provider for caching return results. available options: lru, threadlocal, jcache etc.
callbacksjava.lang.IntegerCallback limits for the service.
checkjava.lang.BooleanCheck if service provider exists, if not exists, it will be fast fail
clientjava.lang.Stringclient type
clusterjava.lang.StringCluster type for service.
config-centerorg.apache.dubbo.config.ConfigCenterConfigConfiguration center settings.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
connectionsjava.lang.IntegerConnection limits: 0 for shared connection, otherwise specifying connections for the service.
corethreadsjava.lang.IntegerConsumer threadpool core thread size
filterjava.lang.StringFilters for service exposure or reference (multiple filters can be separated by commas).
forksjava.lang.IntegerForks for forking cluster.
genericjava.lang.StringWhether to use generic interface
groupjava.lang.StringGroup of the remote service referenced by the consumer/provider.
idjava.lang.StringIdentifier for this configuration.
initjava.lang.BooleanWhether to eagle-init
injvmjava.lang.BooleanWhether to find reference's instance from the current JVMReason: null, use for replacement: null
layerjava.lang.StringLayer of service providers.
lazyjava.lang.BooleanLazy create connection
listenerjava.lang.StringListeners for service exposure or reference (multiple listeners can be separated by commas).
loadbalancejava.lang.StringLoad balancing strategy for service invocation.
localjava.lang.StringLocal implementation class name for the service interface.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
mergerjava.lang.StringMerger for result data.
mesh-enablejava.lang.Booleanenable mesh mode @since 3.1.0
metadata-report-configorg.apache.dubbo.config.MetadataReportConfigMetadata report configuration.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
methodsjava.util.List<org.apache.dubbo.config.MethodConfig>Method-specific configuration.
mockjava.lang.StringMock class name to be called when a service fails to execute. The mock doesn't support on the provider side, and it is executed when a non-business exception occurs after a remote service call.
moduleorg.apache.dubbo.config.ModuleConfigModule configuration for the service.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
monitororg.apache.dubbo.config.MonitorConfigService monitoring configuration.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
need-refreshjava.lang.BooleanSpecifies if this configuration should be refreshed (true for refreshing).true
onconnectjava.lang.StringEvent handler for connection establishment.
ondisconnectjava.lang.StringEvent handler for disconnection.
ownerjava.lang.StringOwner of the service providers.
parametersjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>Customized parameters for configuration.
protocoljava.lang.StringOnly the service provider of the specified protocol is invoked, and other protocols are ignored.
provided-byjava.lang.Stringdeclares which app or service this interface belongs to
provider-namespacejava.lang.Stringassign the namespace that provider belong to @since 3.1.1
provider-portjava.lang.IntegerBy VirtualService and DestinationRule, envoy will generate a new route rule,such as 'demo.default.svc.cluster.local:80',the default port is 80. When you want to specify the provider port,you can use this config. @since 3.1.0
proxyjava.lang.StringStrategy for generating dynamic agents (options: "jdk" or "javassist").
queuesjava.lang.IntegerConsumer threadpool queue size
refer-asyncjava.lang.BooleanWeather the reference is referred asynchronously @see ModuleConfig#referAsync @deprecatedReason: null, use for replacement: null
refer-backgroundjava.lang.BooleanWhether refer should run in background or not. @see ModuleConfig#setBackground(Boolean) @deprecated replace with {@link ModuleConfig#setBackground(Boolean)}Reason: null, use for replacement: null
refer-thread-numjava.lang.IntegerThread num for asynchronous refer pool size
registriesjava.util.List<org.apache.dubbo.config.RegistryConfig>Registries where the service will be registered (use this or registryIds, not both).
registry-idsjava.lang.StringRegistry IDs for service registration (use this or registries, not both).
retriesjava.lang.IntegerRetry times for failed invocations.
scopejava.lang.StringService scope ("local" implies searching in the current JVM only).
scope-modelorg.apache.dubbo.rpc.model.ScopeModelThe scope model of this config instance. <p> <b>NOTE:</b> the model maybe changed during config processing, the extension spi instance needs to be reinitialized after changing the model!
sentjava.lang.BooleanAcknowledge asynchronous-sent invocations.
shareconnectionsjava.lang.IntegerBy default, a TCP long-connection communication is shared between the consumer process and the provider process. This property can be set to share multiple TCP long-connection communications. Note that only the dubbo protocol takes effect.
singletonjava.lang.BooleanUse separate instances for services with the same serviceKey (applies when using ReferenceConfig and SimpleReferenceCache together). Directly calling ReferenceConfig.get() will not check this attribute.
stubjava.lang.StringLocal stub class name for the service interface.
tagjava.lang.StringCustom tag for the service configuration.
threadpooljava.lang.StringConsumer thread pool type: cached, fixed, limit, eager
threadsjava.lang.IntegerConsumer threadpool thread size
timeoutjava.lang.IntegerTimeout for remote invocation in milliseconds.
url-merge-processorjava.lang.StringUrl Merge Processor Used to customize the URL merge of consumer and provider
validationjava.lang.StringEnable JSR303 standard annotation validation for method parameters.
versionjava.lang.StringVersion of the remote service referenced by the consumer/provider.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.MetadataReportConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
addressjava.lang.StringThe address of the metadata center.
checkjava.lang.BooleanDecide the behavior when the initial connection attempt fails, where 'true' means interrupt the whole process once it fails. The default value is true.
clusterjava.lang.BooleanWhether to use a cluster configuration for the metadata center.
cycle-reportjava.lang.BooleanBy default, the metadata store will store full metadata repeatedly every day.
filejava.lang.StringThe file path for saving the metadata center's dynamic list.
groupjava.lang.StringThe group for the metadata center, which is similar to the registry group.
idjava.lang.StringIdentifier for this configuration.
need-refreshjava.lang.BooleanSpecifies if this configuration should be refreshed (true for refreshing).true
parametersjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>Customized parameters for the metadata center.
passwordjava.lang.StringThe password used to log in to the metadata center.
portjava.lang.IntegerThe default port for the metadata center.
protocoljava.lang.StringThe protocol for the metadata center.
registryjava.lang.StringThe registry ID for the metadata center.
report-definitionjava.lang.BooleanWhether to report definition.
report-metadatajava.lang.BooleanWhether to report metadata.
retry-periodjava.lang.IntegerThe retry period in milliseconds when connecting to the metadata center.
retry-timesjava.lang.IntegerThe number of retry times when connecting to the metadata center.
scope-modelorg.apache.dubbo.rpc.model.ScopeModelThe scope model of this config instance. <p> <b>NOTE:</b> the model maybe changed during config processing, the extension spi instance needs to be reinitialized after changing the model!
sync-reportjava.lang.BooleanSynchronization report, with the default value as asynchronous.
timeoutjava.lang.IntegerThe request timeout in milliseconds for the metadata center.
usernamejava.lang.StringThe username used to log in to the metadata center.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.MetricsConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
collector-sync-periodjava.lang.IntegerCollector synchronization period.
enable-collector-syncjava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable collector synchronization.
enable-jvmjava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable JVM metrics collection.
enable-metadatajava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable metadata metrics collection.
enable-metrics-initjava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable metrics initialization.
enable-nettyjava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable Netty metrics collection.
enable-registryjava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable registry metrics collection.
enable-rpcjava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable RPC (Remote Procedure Call) metrics collection.
enable-threadpooljava.lang.BooleanWhether to enable thread pool metrics collection.
export-metrics-servicejava.lang.BooleanWhether to export metrics service.
export-service-portjava.lang.IntegerPort used for exporting metrics services.
export-service-protocoljava.lang.StringProtocol used for metrics collection and export.
idjava.lang.StringIdentifier for this configuration.
need-refreshjava.lang.BooleanSpecifies if this configuration should be refreshed (true for refreshing).true
portjava.lang.StringDeprecated: This parameter should no longer be used and will be removed in the future.
protocoljava.lang.StringProtocol used for metrics.
rpc-leveljava.lang.StringThe level of metrics collection, which can be "SERVICE" or "METHOD". The default is "METHOD".
scope-modelorg.apache.dubbo.rpc.model.ScopeModelThe scope model of this config instance. <p> <b>NOTE:</b> the model maybe changed during config processing, the extension spi instance needs to be reinitialized after changing the model!
use-global-registryjava.lang.BooleanDecide whether to use the global registry of Micrometer.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.ModuleConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
backgroundjava.lang.BooleanWhether to start the module in the background. If started in the background, it does not await finish on Spring ContextRefreshedEvent. @see org.apache.dubbo.config.spring.context.DubboDeployApplicationListener
check-reference-timeoutjava.lang.LongThe timeout to check references.
export-asyncjava.lang.BooleanWhether the service is exported asynchronously.
export-thread-numjava.lang.IntegerThe thread number for asynchronous export pool size.
idjava.lang.StringIdentifier for this configuration.
monitororg.apache.dubbo.config.MonitorConfigMonitor center
namejava.lang.StringThe module name
need-refreshjava.lang.BooleanSpecifies if this configuration should be refreshed (true for refreshing).true
organizationjava.lang.StringThe module's organization
ownerjava.lang.StringThe module owner
refer-asyncjava.lang.BooleanWhether the reference is referred asynchronously.
refer-thread-numjava.lang.IntegerThe thread number for asynchronous reference pool size.
registriesjava.util.List<org.apache.dubbo.config.RegistryConfig>Registry centers
scope-modelorg.apache.dubbo.rpc.model.ScopeModelThe scope model of this config instance. <p> <b>NOTE:</b> the model maybe changed during config processing, the extension spi instance needs to be reinitialized after changing the model!
versionjava.lang.StringThe module version


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.MonitorConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
addressjava.lang.StringThe monitor address
groupjava.lang.StringThe monitor group
idjava.lang.StringIdentifier for this configuration.
intervaljava.lang.StringThe monitor reporting interval
need-refreshjava.lang.BooleanSpecifies if this configuration should be refreshed (true for refreshing).true
parametersjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>Customized parameters
passwordjava.lang.StringThe monitor password
protocoljava.lang.StringThe protocol of the monitor. If the value is "registry" it will search the monitor address from the registry center. Otherwise, it will directly connect to the monitor center.
scope-modelorg.apache.dubbo.rpc.model.ScopeModelThe scope model of this config instance. <p> <b>NOTE:</b> the model maybe changed during config processing, the extension spi instance needs to be reinitialized after changing the model!
usernamejava.lang.StringThe monitor username
versionjava.lang.StringThe monitor version


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.ProtocolConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
acceptsjava.lang.IntegerThe maximum acceptable connections.
accesslogjava.lang.StringThe access log configuration.
alivejava.lang.IntegerThe keep-alive time for threads in the thread pool (default unit is TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).
bufferjava.lang.IntegerThe buffer size.
charsetjava.lang.StringThe character set used for communication.
clientjava.lang.StringThe client implementation.
codecjava.lang.StringThe protocol codec.
contextpathjava.lang.StringThe context path for the service.
corethreadsjava.lang.IntegerThe core thread size of the thread pool.
dispatcherjava.lang.StringThe thread dispatch mode.
dispatherjava.lang.StringReason: null, use for replacement: null
exchangerjava.lang.StringThe method of information exchange.
ext-protocoljava.lang.StringExtra protocol for this service, using Port Unification Server.
extensionjava.lang.StringAdditional extensions.
heartbeatjava.lang.IntegerThe interval for sending heartbeats.
hostjava.lang.StringThe service's IP address (useful when there are multiple network cards available).
idjava.lang.StringIdentifier for this configuration.
iothreadsjava.lang.IntegerThe fixed size of the IO thread pool.
json-check-leveljava.lang.StringJSON check level for serialization.
keep-alivejava.lang.BooleanIndicates whether it is a persistent connection.
namejava.lang.StringThe name of the protocol.
need-refreshjava.lang.BooleanSpecifies if this configuration should be refreshed (true for refreshing).true
networkerjava.lang.StringThe networker implementation.
optimizerjava.lang.StringThe optimizer used for dubbo protocol.
parametersjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>Custom parameters.
pathjava.lang.StringReason: null, use for replacement: null
payloadjava.lang.IntegerThe maximum payload length.
portjava.lang.IntegerThe service's port number.
prefer-serializationjava.lang.StringSpecifies the preferred serialization method for the consumer. If specified, the consumer will use this parameter first. If the Dubbo Sdk you are using contains the serialization type, the serialization method specified by the argument is used. <p> When this parameter is null or the serialization type specified by this parameter does not exist in the Dubbo SDK, the serialization type specified by serialization is used. If the Dubbo SDK if still does not exist, the default type of the Dubbo SDK is used. For Dubbo SDK >= 3.2, <code>preferSerialization</code> takes precedence over <code>serialization</code> <p> Supports multiple values separated by commas, e.g., "fastjson2,fastjson,hessian2".
promptjava.lang.StringThe command line prompt.
queuesjava.lang.IntegerThe length of the thread pool's queue.
registerjava.lang.BooleanIndicates whether the service should be registered.
scope-modelorg.apache.dubbo.rpc.model.ScopeModelThe scope model of this config instance. <p> <b>NOTE:</b> the model maybe changed during config processing, the extension spi instance needs to be reinitialized after changing the model!
serializationjava.lang.StringThe serialization method.
serverjava.lang.StringThe server implementation.
ssl-enabledjava.lang.BooleanIndicates whether SSL is enabled.
statusjava.lang.StringThe status check configuration.
telnetjava.lang.StringSupported Telnet commands, separated by commas.
thread-pool-exhausted-listenersjava.lang.StringListeners for exhausted thread pool.
threadpooljava.lang.StringThe name of the thread pool.
threadsjava.lang.IntegerThe fixed size of the thread pool.
transporterjava.lang.StringThe transporter used for communication.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.ProviderConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
acceptsjava.lang.IntegerThe maximum number of acceptable connections.
accesslogjava.lang.StringWhether to export access logs to logs.
activesjava.lang.IntegerMaximum concurrent invocations allowed.
alivejava.lang.IntegerThe keep-alive time of the thread pool, default unit: TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.
applicationorg.apache.dubbo.config.ApplicationConfigApplication configuration for the service.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
asyncjava.lang.BooleanEnable asynchronous invocation. Note that it is unreliable asynchronous, ignoring return values and not blocking threads.
authjava.lang.BooleanEnable service authentication.
bufferjava.lang.IntegerThe size of the network I/O buffer.
cachejava.lang.StringCache provider for caching return results. available options: lru, threadlocal, jcache etc.
callbacksjava.lang.IntegerCallback limits for the service.
charsetjava.lang.StringThe charset used for serialization.
clientjava.lang.StringThe client-side implementation model of the protocol.
clusterjava.lang.StringCluster type for service.
codecjava.lang.StringThe codec used by the protocol.
config-centerorg.apache.dubbo.config.ConfigCenterConfigConfiguration center settings.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
connectionsjava.lang.IntegerConnection limits: 0 for shared connection, otherwise specifying connections for the service.
contextpathjava.lang.StringThe context path of the service.
delayjava.lang.IntegerThe time delay to register the service (in milliseconds).
deprecatedjava.lang.BooleanWhether the service is deprecated.
dispatcherjava.lang.StringThe mode of thread dispatching.
dispatherjava.lang.StringReason: null, use for replacement: null
documentjava.lang.StringDocument center for the service.
dynamicjava.lang.BooleanWhether to register the service as a dynamic service on the registry. If true, the service will be enabled automatically after registration, and manual disabling is required to stop it.
exchangerjava.lang.StringThe method of information exchange.
executesjava.lang.IntegerMax allowed executing times.
executorjava.util.concurrent.Executorused for thread pool isolation between services
exportjava.lang.BooleanWhether to export the service.
export-asyncjava.lang.BooleanWeather the service is export asynchronously @deprecated @see ModuleConfig#exportAsyncReason: null, use for replacement: null
export-backgroundjava.lang.BooleanWhether the export should run in the background or not. @deprecated Replace with {@link ModuleConfig#setBackground(Boolean)} @see ModuleConfig#setBackground(Boolean)Reason: null, use for replacement: null
export-thread-numjava.lang.IntegerThe number of threads for the asynchronous export pool.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
filterjava.lang.StringFilters for service exposure or reference (multiple filters can be separated by commas).
forksjava.lang.IntegerForks for forking cluster.
groupjava.lang.StringThe service group.
hostjava.lang.StringThe IP addresses of the service (used when there are multiple network cards available).
idjava.lang.StringIdentifier for this configuration.
iothreadsjava.lang.IntegerThe size of the I/O thread pool (fixed size).
layerjava.lang.StringLayer of service providers.
listenerjava.lang.StringListeners for service exposure or reference (multiple listeners can be separated by commas).
loadbalancejava.lang.StringLoad balancing strategy for service invocation.
localjava.lang.StringLocal implementation class name for the service interface.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
mergerjava.lang.StringMerger for result data.
metadata-report-configorg.apache.dubbo.config.MetadataReportConfigMetadata report configuration.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
methodsjava.util.List<org.apache.dubbo.config.MethodConfig>Method-specific configuration.
mockjava.lang.StringMock class name to be called when a service fails to execute. The mock doesn't support on the provider side, and it is executed when a non-business exception occurs after a remote service call.
moduleorg.apache.dubbo.config.ModuleConfigModule configuration for the service.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
monitororg.apache.dubbo.config.MonitorConfigService monitoring configuration.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
need-refreshjava.lang.BooleanSpecifies if this configuration should be refreshed (true for refreshing).true
networkerjava.lang.StringThe networker used by the protocol.
onconnectjava.lang.StringEvent handler for connection establishment.
ondisconnectjava.lang.StringEvent handler for disconnection.
ownerjava.lang.StringOwner of the service providers.
parametersjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>Customized parameters for configuration.
pathjava.lang.StringReason: null, use for replacement: null
payloadjava.lang.IntegerThe maximum payload length.
portjava.lang.IntegerThe port of the service.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
prefer-serializationjava.lang.StringSpecifies the preferred serialization method for the consumer. If specified, the consumer will use this parameter first. If the Dubbo Sdk you are using contains the serialization type, the serialization method specified by the argument is used. <p> When this parameter is null or the serialization type specified by this parameter does not exist in the Dubbo SDK, the serialization type specified by serialization is used. If the Dubbo SDK if still does not exist, the default type of the Dubbo SDK is used. For Dubbo SDK >= 3.2, <code>preferSerialization</code> takes precedence over <code>serialization</code> <p> Supports multiple values separated by commas, e.g., "fastjson2,fastjson,hessian2".
promptjava.lang.StringThe command line prompt.
protocol-idsjava.lang.StringId list of protocols the service will export with (use this or protocols, not both).
protocolsjava.util.List<org.apache.dubbo.config.ProtocolConfig>List of protocols the service will export with (use this or protocolIds, not both).
proxyjava.lang.StringStrategy for generating dynamic agents (options: "jdk" or "javassist").
queuesjava.lang.IntegerThe length of the thread pool queue.
registerjava.lang.BooleanWhether to register the service.
registriesjava.util.List<org.apache.dubbo.config.RegistryConfig>Registries where the service will be registered (use this or registryIds, not both).
registry-idsjava.lang.StringRegistry IDs for service registration (use this or registries, not both).
retriesjava.lang.IntegerRetry times for failed invocations.
scopejava.lang.StringService scope ("local" implies searching in the current JVM only).
scope-modelorg.apache.dubbo.rpc.model.ScopeModelThe scope model of this config instance. <p> <b>NOTE:</b> the model maybe changed during config processing, the extension spi instance needs to be reinitialized after changing the model!
sentjava.lang.BooleanAcknowledge asynchronous-sent invocations.
serializationjava.lang.StringSerialization type for service communication.
serverjava.lang.StringThe server-side implementation model of the protocol.
singletonjava.lang.BooleanUse separate instances for services with the same serviceKey (applies when using ReferenceConfig and SimpleReferenceCache together). Directly calling ReferenceConfig.get() will not check this attribute.
statusjava.lang.StringThe status check configuration.
stubjava.lang.StringLocal stub class name for the service interface.
tagjava.lang.StringCustom tag for the service configuration.
telnetjava.lang.StringSupported telnet commands, separated by commas.
threadnamejava.lang.StringThe name of the thread pool.
threadpooljava.lang.StringThe thread pool configuration.
threadsjava.lang.IntegerThe size of the thread pool (fixed size).
timeoutjava.lang.IntegerTimeout for remote invocation in milliseconds.
tokenjava.lang.StringWhether to use a token for authentication.
transporterjava.lang.StringThe transporter used by the protocol.
use-java-package-as-pathjava.lang.BooleanWhether to use java_package in IDL as path. Default use package. This param only available when service using native stub.
validationjava.lang.StringEnable JSR303 standard annotation validation for method parameters.
versionjava.lang.StringThe service version.
waitjava.lang.IntegerThe wait time when stopping the service.
warmupjava.lang.IntegerWarm-up period for the service.
weightjava.lang.IntegerThe service weight.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.RegistryConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
acceptsjava.lang.StringList of RPC protocols accepted by this registry, e.g., "dubbo,rest".
addressjava.lang.StringRegister center address.
checkjava.lang.BooleanWhether to check if the register center is available when booting up.
clientjava.lang.StringClient implementation.
clusterjava.lang.StringAffects how traffic distributes among registries, useful when subscribing to multiple registries. Available options: - "zone-aware": A certain type of traffic always goes to one Registry according to where the traffic is originated.
dynamicjava.lang.BooleanWhether to allow dynamic service registration on the register center.
enable-empty-protectionjava.lang.BooleanEnable empty protection.
extra-keysjava.lang.StringAfter simplifying the registry, add some parameters individually, useful for providers. Example: extra-keys = "A, b, c, d". @since 2.7.0
filejava.lang.StringFile for saving the register center dynamic list.
groupjava.lang.StringThe group that services registry belongs to.
idjava.lang.StringIdentifier for this configuration.
need-refreshjava.lang.BooleanSpecifies if this configuration should be refreshed (true for refreshing).true
parametersjava.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String>Customized parameters.
passwordjava.lang.StringPassword to login the register center.
portjava.lang.IntegerDefault port for the register center.
preferredjava.lang.BooleanAlways use this registry first if set to true, useful when subscribing to multiple registries.
protocoljava.lang.StringProtocol used for the register center.
registerjava.lang.BooleanWhether to allow exporting service on the register center.
register-modejava.lang.StringRegister mode.
scope-modelorg.apache.dubbo.rpc.model.ScopeModelThe scope model of this config instance. <p> <b>NOTE:</b> the model maybe changed during config processing, the extension spi instance needs to be reinitialized after changing the model!
securejava.lang.StringSecurity settings.
serverjava.lang.StringServer implementation.
sessionjava.lang.IntegerSession timeout in milliseconds for the register center.
simplifiedjava.lang.BooleanSimplify the registry, useful for both providers and consumers. @since 2.7.0
subscribejava.lang.BooleanWhether to allow subscribing to services on the register center.
timeoutjava.lang.IntegerConnect timeout in milliseconds for the register center.
transportjava.lang.StringReason: null, use for replacement: null
transporterjava.lang.StringNetwork transmission type.
use-as-config-centerjava.lang.BooleanIndicates whether the address works as a configuration center or not.
use-as-metadata-centerjava.lang.BooleanIndicates whether the address works as a remote metadata center or not.
usernamejava.lang.StringUsername to login the register center.
versionjava.lang.StringVersion of the registry.
waitjava.lang.IntegerWait time before stopping.Reason: null, use for replacement: null
weightjava.lang.IntegerAffects traffic distribution among registries, useful when subscribing to multiple registries. Takes effect only when no preferred registry is specified.
zonejava.lang.StringThe region where the registry belongs, usually used to isolate traffics.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.spring.boot.autoconfigure.DubboConfigurationProperties$RpcConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.SslConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
ca-addressjava.lang.StringAddress for Certificate Authority (CA).
ca-cert-pathjava.lang.StringPath to the CA certificate file.
client-key-cert-chain-pathjava.lang.StringPath to the client's key certificate chain file. stream for the client's key certificate chain (if provided).
client-key-passwordjava.lang.StringPassword for the client's private key (if applicable).
client-private-key-pathjava.lang.StringPath to the client's private key file. stream for the client's private key (if provided).
client-trust-cert-collection-pathjava.lang.StringPath to the client's trust certificate collection file. stream for the client's trust certificate collection (if provided).
env-typejava.lang.StringEnvironment type for SSL configuration.
idjava.lang.StringIdentifier for this configuration.
need-refreshjava.lang.BooleanSpecifies if this configuration should be refreshed (true for refreshing).true
oidc-token-pathjava.lang.StringPath to the OIDC (OpenID Connect) token file.
scope-modelorg.apache.dubbo.rpc.model.ScopeModelThe scope model of this config instance. <p> <b>NOTE:</b> the model maybe changed during config processing, the extension spi instance needs to be reinitialized after changing the model!
server-key-cert-chain-pathjava.lang.StringPath to the server's key certificate chain file. stream for the server's key certificate chain (if provided).
server-key-passwordjava.lang.StringPassword for the server's private key (if applicable).
server-private-key-pathjava.lang.StringPath to the server's private key file. stream for the server's private key (if provided).
server-trust-cert-collection-pathjava.lang.StringPath to the server's trust certificate collection file. stream for the server's trust certificate collection (if provided).


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.TracingConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
enabledjava.lang.BooleanIndicates whether the feature is enabled (default is false).false
idjava.lang.StringIdentifier for this configuration.
need-refreshjava.lang.BooleanSpecifies if this configuration should be refreshed (true for refreshing).true
scope-modelorg.apache.dubbo.rpc.model.ScopeModelThe scope model of this config instance. <p> <b>NOTE:</b> the model maybe changed during config processing, the extension spi instance needs to be reinitialized after changing the model!


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.nested.AggregationConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
bucket-numjava.lang.IntegerThe number of buckets for time window quantile.
enable-qpsjava.lang.BooleanEnable QPS (Queries Per Second) aggregation or not.
enable-requestjava.lang.BooleanEnable Request aggregation or not.
enable-rtjava.lang.BooleanEnable Response Time aggregation or not.
enable-rt-pxxjava.lang.BooleanEnable Response Time Percentile (Pxx) aggregation or not.
enabledjava.lang.BooleanEnable aggregation or not.
qps-time-window-mill-secondsjava.lang.IntegerThe time window in milliseconds for QPS (Queries Per Second) aggregation.
time-window-secondsjava.lang.IntegerThe time window in seconds for time window quantile.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.nested.HistogramConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation
buckets-msjava.lang.Integer[]Buckets in milliseconds for the histograms. Defines the histogram bucket boundaries.
distribution-statistic-expiry-minjava.lang.IntegerExpiry time in minutes for distribution statistics. After this time, the statistics are expired.
enabledjava.lang.BooleanWhether histograms are enabled or not. Default is not enabled (false).
enabled-percentilesjava.lang.BooleanWhether enabledPercentiles are enabled or not. Default is not enabled (false).
max-expected-msjava.lang.IntegerMaximum expected value in milliseconds for the histograms. Values higher than this will be considered outliers.
min-expected-msjava.lang.IntegerMinimum expected value in milliseconds for the histograms. Values lower than this will be considered outliers.
percentilesjava.lang.Double[]Array of percentiles to be calculated for the histograms. Each percentile is a double value.


Class: org.apache.dubbo.config.nested.PrometheusConfig

KeyTypeDescriptionDefault valueDeprecation


Method-level configuration.

Corresponding configuration class: org.apache.dubbo.config.MethodConfig. This tag is a child tag of service or reference, used to control at the method level.

For example:

<dubbo:reference interface="">
   <dubbo:method name="findXxx" timeout="3000" retries="2" />
PropertyCorresponding URL parameterTypeRequiredDefault valueEffectDescriptionCompatibility
namestringRequiredIdentifierMethod nameVersion 1.0.8 and above
timeout<methodName>.timeoutintOptionalDefault timeoutPerformance tuningTimeout for method call (milliseconds)Version 1.0.8 and above
retries<methodName>.retriesintOptionalDefault retries of <dubbo:reference>Performance tuningNumber of retries for remote service calls, excluding the first call; set to 0 if no retries are neededVersion 2.0.0 and above
loadbalance<methodName>.loadbalancestringOptionalDefault loadbalancePerformance tuningLoad balancing strategy, optional values:

* random - Random;

* roundrobin - Round Robin;

* leastactive - Least Active Calls;

* consistenthash - Consistent Hashing (Version 2.1.0 and above);

* shortestresponse - Shortest Response (Version 2.7.7 and above);
Version 2.0.0 and above
async<methodName>.asyncbooleanOptionalDefault async of <dubbo:reference>Performance tuningWhether to execute asynchronously, unreliable asynchronous, just ignore the return value, does not block the execution threadVersion 1.0.9 and above
sent<methodName>.sentbooleanOptionaltruePerformance tuningDuring asynchronous calls, if sent=true, indicates that the data has been sent over the networkVersion 2.0.6 and above
actives<methodName>.activesintOptional0Performance tuningMaximum concurrent call limit per service consumerVersion 2.0.5 and above
executes<methodName>.executesintOptional0Performance tuningMaximum number of threads used per service and method limit; this property is only effective when <dubbo:method> is a child tag of <dubbo:service>Version 2.0.5 and above
deprecated<methodName>.deprecatedbooleanOptionalfalseService governanceWhether the service method is deprecated; this property is only effective when <dubbo:method> is a child tag of <dubbo:service>Version 2.0.5 and above
sticky<methodName>.stickybooleanOptionalfalseService governanceSet to true for all methods on this interface to use the same provider. For more complex rules, use routingVersion 2.0.6 and above
return<methodName>.returnbooleanOptionaltruePerformance tuningWhether the method call requires a return value; takes effect only when async is set to true. If set to true, returns future or callbacks like onreturn, etc. If set to false, returns null directly after the request is successfully sentVersion 2.0.6 and above
oninvokeattribute, not reflected in URLStringOptionalPerformance tuningIntercept before instance executionVersion 2.0.6 and above
onreturnattribute, not reflected in URLStringOptionalPerformance tuningIntercept after instance execution returnsVersion 2.0.6 and above
onthrowattribute, not reflected in URLStringOptionalPerformance tuningIntercept when an exception occurs during instance executionVersion 2.0.6 and above
oninvokeMethodattribute, not reflected in URLStringOptionalPerformance tuningIntercept before method executionVersion 2.0.6 and above
onreturnMethodattribute, not reflected in URLStringOptionalPerformance tuningIntercept after method execution returnsVersion 2.0.6 and above
onthrowMethodattribute, not reflected in URLStringOptionalPerformance tuningIntercept when an exception occurs during method executionVersion 2.0.6 and above
cache<methodName>.cachestring/booleanOptionalService governanceCache return results using call parameters as keys, optional values: lru, threadlocal, jcache, etc.Version 2.1.0 and above
validation<methodName>.validationbooleanOptionalService governanceWhether to enable JSR303 standard annotation validation; if enabled, the annotations on the method parameters will be validatedVersion 2.1.0 and above


Method parameter configuration.

Corresponding configuration class: org.apache.dubbo.config.ArgumentConfig. This tag is a child tag of method, used for feature description of method parameters, for example in XML format:

<dubbo:method name="findXxx" timeout="3000" retries="2">
   <dubbo:argument index="0" callback="true" />
PropertyCorresponding URL parameterTypeRequiredDefault valueEffectDescriptionCompatibility
indexintRequiredIdentifierParameter indexVersion 2.0.6 and above
typeStringEither index or typeIdentifierLookup parameter’s index by typeVersion 2.0.6 and above
callback<metodName><index>.callbackbooleanOptionalService governanceWhether the parameter is a callback interface; if it is a callback, the service provider will generate a reverse proxy that can call back to the consumer from the provider, usually used for event pushing.Version 2.0.6 and above


Custom parameter configuration.

Corresponding configuration class: java.util.Map. This tag is a child of protocol, service, provider, reference, consumer, monitor, registry, metadata-config, or config-center, used to set custom parameters that will be used as extension points.

For example:

<dubbo:protocol name="napoli">
   <dubbo:parameter key="" value="xxx" />


<dubbo:protocol name="jms" p:queue="xxx" />
PropertyCorresponding URL parameterTypeRequiredDefault valueEffectDescriptionCompatibility
keykeystringRequiredService governanceRouting parameter keyVersion 2.0.0 and above
valuevaluestringRequiredService governanceRouting parameter valueVersion 2.0.0 and above