Link Tracing

End-to-End Tracing

Dubbo-go supports end-to-end tracing based on the OpenTelemetry standard, while also supporting export to different tracing backend systems through the following exporters.


Please note that tracing functionality is only enabled when creating the Dubbo application via dubbo.NewInstance, which is the microservice application mode mentioned in our quick start. The lightweight RPC API does not currently support enabling tracing.

Example Explanation

You can view the full example source code here.

Enable tracing using dubbo.WithTracing(), and you can control tracing behavior with multiple parameters:

package main

import (
  _ ""

func main() {
    instance, err := dubbo.NewInstance(
          // add tracing options here
          trace.WithEnabled(), // enable tracing feature
          trace.WithRatioMode(), // use ratio mode
          trace.WithRatio(0.5), // sample ratio, only active when using ratio mode

If you do not specify any option parameters in the dubbo.WithTracing() call, the default behavior will be used:

# default tracing config
enable: false
exporter: stdout
endpoint: ""
propagator: w3c
sample-mode: ratio
sample-ratio: 0.5

TracingOptions Explained

  • enable: enable tracing or not
    • trace.WithEnabled() means enable tracing
  • exporter: tracing exporter backends, support stdout, jaeger, zipkin, otlp-http, otlp-grpc
    • trace.WithStdoutExporter()
    • trace.WithJaegerExporter()
    • trace.WithZipkinExporter()
    • trace.WithOtlpHttpExporter()
    • trace.WithOtlpGrpcExporter()
  • endpoint: exporter backend endpoint, for example, jaeger exporter’s endpoint is http://localhost:14268/api/traces
    • trace.WithEndpoint(string)
  • propagator: context propagator type, supports w3c, b3; more details you can see here
    • trace.WithW3cPropagator()
    • trace.WithB3Propagator() zipkin exporter defaults to using this
  • sample-mode: sample mode, support ratio, always, never
    • trace.WithAlwaysMode()
    • trace.WithNeverMode()
    • trace.WithRatioMode()
  • sample-ratio: sample ratio, only used when sample-mode is ratio, range between 0 and 1
    • trace.WithRatio(float64)